Thursday, October 29, 2009

Week 4 - Thing 8

I just set up an RSS feed using Google Reader, and guess what? I am following all of your blogs! This will be a lot easier than checking each blog for new items. If you ever have your students set up individual blogs, this would definitely help you keep track of their work.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Week 3 - Thing 7

The article at the end of "Thing 7", Social Networking Sites - what are they and how are they used?, is quite thought provoking. Schools are looking at things like Facebook as potential platforms for teaching and learning. I believe that CBHS has to investigate the pros and cons of using Social Networking for class assignments. Sounds like a good item for the Technology Plan!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Week 3, Thing 6

I have heard the term "mashup" before, but wasn't quite sure what that meant. This exercise helps (a little). I spent some time in FD Toys'Trading Card Maker. It was kind of weird to see all the librarians who have made and exchanged Trading Cards of themselves! (no offense, Ellen). A possible curriculum connection could be to have students make trading cards of Historical or Literary figures.