Thursday, September 24, 2009

Week 3 - Thing 5

This is one of the photos I posted in my new Flickr account. I'm glad Flickr is included in the Classroom Learning 2.0 project because we are considering using the Flickr uploadr to host photos for our school due to limited server space of our own. After spending some time in Flickr, I've discovered there is so much more to learn!

The Big Huge Labs site has great potential for classroom application. Students could create a magazine cover pertaining to a subject they are studying and then imbed hyperlinks to articles they would write on each subtopic listed on the cover. The Librarian Trading Cards were interesting!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Week 2 - Thing 3 and Thing 4

Created my own avatar. This was so much easier than I expected, and fun. Can't wait to show this to the faculty. I registered with CSLA and got a nice note from them, but since we are participating as a CBHS group, our users will register with our Class site.

Week 1 - Thing 2

7 1/2 Habits of Lifelong Learners. Loved the online tutorial! I've seen similar presentations and know that these habits can be extremely helpful toward attaining goals. However, making these practices into actual HABITS is sometimes a different story. For me, the tip to "Put it in Writing" will be the most useful. I have two big projects going on right now that are a bit stalled because they seem overwhelming. Just the thought of applying these 7 1/2 habits make the projects seem far less daunting.

Week 1 - Thing 1

This introduction to the Classroom Learning 2.0 project has reinforced the fact that these technologies, especially Internet resources, are having a dramatic impact on the way information is processed and shared. The six Hallmarks of the Web 2.0 world will be particularly useful as I endeavor to get faculty members to buy into the project.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Week 2 - Thing 3

I am the technology coordinator at a private high school. I intend to engage several, if not all, faculty members at our school in the Classroom Learning 2.0 project. This week I began the "23 Things" myself so that I can better assist our faculty when we roll out the project next month